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Beatrice came into the world on March 15, 2015 and left a little over a year later in the form of fast food burgers. She agreed to an interview.

Questioner: Your life must have been difficult. Do you regret it?

Beatrice: Not at all. There was much satisfaction with it.

Q. How could that be? Your life was in many ways unpleasant and certainly shorter than the natural life span would be.

B. After I was born I was with my mother and we shared some time together. As we were “grass fed” we lived on a pasture which we greatly enjoyed.


Q. You enjoyed the pasture?

B. When the sun would come up the glory is difficult to describe. It was like a new creation over and over. It would warm and stimulate us and then we would begin to graze. I know this will be difficult for you to relate to but standing on the grass, eating it during the day, was intensely pleasurable. Our feet on the ground, making that connection, was associated with a feeling coming from our Mother, the Earth. It was like a subtle vibration or a thrill that filled the body, coming from the feet and moving up. It was a constant pleasure.

Q. This happened all the time?

B. All the time. It was this feeling of peace, of well-being, so that we were content just to be there. And there were the other plants, the birds and insects, and other animals that would come through the pasture and we related to all of them.

Q. How did you relate?

B. We sensed them and they us. It would be a meld of consciousness and we would feel each other’s beingness for a while. If I were to put into words it was often like a “smile.” Always interesting, always intriguing. There are so many different experiences that life has, the number is almost infinite.

Q. It does sound nice.

B. Yes, and of course I wished it had continued.

Q. What happened?

B. I was taken to a feedlot for “finishing.” No longer could I feel the thrill or eat the grass. And of course it was very crowded, smelled bad, and the cloud of emotion around us was, shall we say, unpleasant.

Feed lot

The most difficult was the having to eat such an unnatural food. Instead of grass. We were fed corn or soy and as these were not natural foods for us we were also given drugs to help us digest them. Even so, digestion was always difficult. As you know we have these stomachs designed for the fermentation of grasses and putting in these unnatural foods quite upset the process.

Feed lot eating

Q. I can quite imagine.

B. Yes, and these feed-lot foods were also genetically modified which made them taste very bland and once swallowed, irritating to the stomach.

Q. I suppose in a way it was a relief to have it all over.

B. Yes, in a way, but the process was difficult. We knew what was happening as we shared consciousness among us and as the first ones were killed those of us in line received that knowing. It was immediately clear we had no choice about it as we could not turn around or escape so the hardest part was waiting in line for your turn. The closer we got the stronger the communication and we could hear the sounds and smell the smell of death.

Q. It sounds awful.

B. I was able to ride it out however. I would let my mind go back to my spirit and remember why I was here. This brought it into perspective and the sensory part would be come less intense. By the time it was my time I was actually fairly peaceful — though I did make some sounds!

Q. Can you say more about why you were here?

B. I and my brothers and sisters came on a mission and we knew how it was going to go. We had agreed to it ahead of time. But you can relate to how, once here, you get focussed on the day to day and it is easy to forget this.

Q. This is amazing! What possible mission could you have to be a cow to end your months in a feed lot and then killed so you could be eaten?

B. What do you think?

Q. I have no idea.

B. This world experience we share is the production of Experiential Consciousness. We are all, in a sense, players in the story. I may have a different body from you but I am the same life, the same consciousness, adapted to this form. The purpose of my being here is to bring to all of us the experience of Love.

Q. Sorry, but I can’t see how you living like this, having this done to you, could bring love into the world.

B. Think of it as an invitation. If love could be there we provide the invitation to it.

Q. I don’t get it.

B. By taking this role we provide the sensory experience for you. For Love to come in there must be a perception of its need. If things went along in a way that there was rather minimal sensory evidence of less than perfect conditions you would not notice. When we volunteer to be feed lot cattle we greatly intensify the sensory communication you receive. When you, at some point, are brought to see what is happening to us it is at that moment your heart responds and the pattern ends. Love comes in, fills you, and you are forever different. So we see this as providing what we call “The Invitation.” We are there, in that condition, always looking at you with the question in our eyes “Do you see?”

Q. You are saying you take on this life with the purpose of inviting us to see your suffering? That is weird.

B. Actually it is quite common. Many others do that as well. Think of the many animals, the chickens, fish, turkeys, birds that go through similar suffering in today’s world.

Turkey farm

They are all offering The Invitation. There are so many ways this can happen it is almost impossible to list them all. We are talking about the animals but The Invitation extends beyond them. It can come from the earth, the plants, even others of your kind.

Q. I thought life was about other things, like careers, family, experiences.

B. It is about that but the overriding purpose of it all is to bring Love in, for us to experience it. This is why our world exists. Those of us that have realized this sometimes decide to volunteer as our way to help bring this about.

Q. Couldn’t we have made it easier? Why all this suffering of the animals? I read the other day that there is like a billion animals that go through the factory farming experience every year. Couldn’t we have realized this much sooner?

B. Seems like it could have but the world experience is how we collectively decide it is going to be. As we all live this we take actions every day and these actions, which are the outcome of our thoughts — our beliefs, our conclusions — result in how the world is going to be for us all. To bring it back to this discussion of my life, when you buy a burger at a fast food restaurant you maintain the way it is now for those of us being processed to be eaten.

Q. Can you explain that more?

B. When you buy the burger you are eating my body (or that of my brother or sister). Obviously this could not happen unless I was killed and cut up into pieces that would fit the bun or sandwich. The question then is why this is acceptable. If you go into it you find that it comes from an idea that is now primary in Experiential Consciousness, from which we all emanate, that we are separate from each other and that if you have the power as a separate being you can use these other beings, that are not you, in whatever way you like.  These basic ideas — of separation and superiority — wend their way into our world experience to how we see it now. Animals are dominated, made captive, made to suffer and die for pleasure or convenience of others.

The use of animals, and also plants and the other forms of nature, in this way has steadily increased, has developed over much of the last century. This has happened, and will continue, until it becomes so blatant, so “in your face” that you can no longer ignore it. As it is now the factory farming activity is kept hidden as much as possible but as it increases it becomes harder to keep it out of sight.

We that volunteer to come into form as food animals are doing so to bring this cultural error to an unavoidable perception, a perception that will change the entire world experience.

Beef carcasses

Q. You mean that we stop factory farming?

B. Not only that, but we stop eating each other’s bodies.

(To be continued?)

3 thoughts on “Beatrice

  1. Very thought-provoking! It has been suggested to me by others that animals “choose” to be in those bodies and have that experience, and I have half-believed that notion and half of me has said that no way would they choose to go through that suffering. Your story of Beatrice has made me think that there is a possibility that could be true, but I appreciate your feeling that it is for the purpose of showing us the error of our ways in killing and eating other beings. I now firmly believe that there is no need for us to kill and eat animals at all for any purpose, but it makes me wonder what it is that is supposed to sustain our physical bodies other than other beings, that being plants?? Plants I feel ARE here to sustain us as they grow back once harvested or with their seeds spread far and wide. Hmmmm….

  2. I love eating plants exclusively and pray for ways to open people’s eyes, minds, & hearts. By ceasing non-human animal suffering, we heal our own human suffering. We are all animals.

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